The Center works to bring attention and resources to the groups of students who are at highest risk of not graduating. We recognize that classroom instruction has limited effectiveness if students’ basic needs are not met. Our Program to Improve Graduation represents our primary strategy for broad impact. The program applies a public health and socio-ecological framework to strengthen the capacity of schools and their support networks to remove barriers to healthy outcomes and learning.
Impact Report

Integrating Public Health in Schools to Improve Graduation highlights the program's journey to prevent dropout and advance population health and equity with schools across the country.
"The American Public Health Association's Center for School, Health and Education works to find the cracks and sinkholes in our nation’s most challenged schools and provide safety nets, resources and a common voice among educators, school-based health care providers, students, parents and community members to come together and make sure all students graduate on time...When we prioritize educational attainment for all groups, we
increase gateways to strengthen America’s social and economic well-being."
Read the full report (PDF) | Read the executive summary (PDF)